XK-GK-4010A IR Sensor kontaktloser Schalter Swipe Modul Distanz 5A


XK-GK-4010A IR Sensor kontaktloser Schalter Swipe Modul Distanz 5A

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XK-GK-4010A IR Sensor kontaktloser Schalter Swipe Modul Distanz 30-80mm 5-24V 5A 120W 6 Funktion modes

XK-GK-4010A IR Sensor Swipe Switch Module 5A © androegg

XK-GK-4010A IR Sensor Swipe Switch Module Schema © androegg


Der XK-GK-4010 Infrarot Distanz Sensor / Schalter ist in 1 Version verfügbar

  • bis zu 5A


Der XK-GK-4010A IR Scahlter eignet sich zum kontaktlosen Schalten von Geräten im Bereich von 5-24VDC.

Die optimale Distanz liegt dabei im Bereich von 3-8 cm.

Das XK-GK-4010A Modul basiert auf der HT68F002 MCU von Holtek.


Das XK-GK-4010A Modul in der 5A Version kann mittels / Lötbrücken in folgende Betriebsarten gesetzt werden


The XK-GK-4010 Infrared Distance Sensor / Swipe switch is available in one Version

  • up to 5A


The XK-GK-4010A IR Swipe is perfect for switching Device with 5-24VDC.

The distance range is from 3-8cm.

The XK-GK-4010A is based on HT68F002 MCU from Holtek.

Thru Jumper / Pad Setting the XK-GK-4010A 5A Version operates in 6 different modes

5A Version Function Operating Mode Selection / connection
Hand sweep switch light up slowly all open (default)
Hand sweep switch on (full brightness) / off A+B
Button Function ON on IR signal (contact) On / no IR signal Off C+D
Button Function OFF on IR signal (contact) Off / no IR signal On A+B and C+D
Hand sweep dimmer switch On / Off + dimming A+B+C
Hadn sweep dimmer switch Light up slowly + dimming B+C

XK-GK-4010A swipe switch Features:

  • wide supply voltage range from 5-24
  • 1 Version available
    up to 5A
  • Distance range from 30-80 mm


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