LGT8F LGT8F328P 32MHz. Pro-Micro 3.3V-5V


LGT8F LGT8F328P 32MHz. Pro-Micro 3.3V-5V

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LGT8F LGT8F328P 32MHz. Pro-Micro 3.3V-5V Larduino_HSP Arduino MCU Entwickler- Development- Board

LGT8F Logic Green Pro-Micro Nano Development Boards © androegg

LGT8F Logic Green Pro-Micro SSOP20 Development Board © androegg


Das LGT8F Entwickler – Board ist wie folgt verfügbar

  • Pro-Micro Style 5V inkl. Pinleisten
  • Pro-Micro Style 3,3V inkl. Pinleisten


Mittels der Logic Green Ladruino_HSP Bibliothek kann das LGT8F Entwickler Board mittels der gewohnten Arduino IDE betrieben werden.


The LGT8F Development Board is available

  • Pro-Micro Style 5V incl. Pin Header
  • Pro-Micro Style 3.3V incl. Pin Header


With the Logic Green Larduino_HSP Library the LGT8F Development Board could be operated thru the Arduino IDE.


Logic Green LGT8F Features:

  • supports 3.3V-5V Power supply
  • 16M (typ.) up to 32M Frequency
  • Built-In High-Precision the RC
  • 12-bit ADC (analog-to-digital conversion)
  • ADC sampling rate up to 500Ksps
  • 2 anaolg Comparator
  • On-Board DAC
  • Unique ID perfect for Encryption
  • ABuilt-In internal 1.024V / 2.048V / 4.096V ± 1% calibratable Source Reference voltage software.
  • FLASH Size 32Kbytes
  • SRAM 2Kbytes
  • E2PROM 0K / 1K / 2K / 4K / 8K (FLASH Share)
  • up to PWM 8
  • PWM dead zone control
  • High current push – pull PWM
  • Frequency 16MHz (Maximum 32MHz)
  • Computing Accelerator (DSC)
  • UART 1
  • SPI
  • TWI (I2C)
  • GUID
  • System logic level 5V
  • Internal benchmark 1.024V / 2.048V / 4.096V ± 0.5%
  • Internal reference resoltuion ±5%
  • Stacking expansion system


Zusätzliche Informationen


3.3V, 5V

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