Radar Distanz Anzeige RYG bar graph + 7 Segment digit LED Display


Radar Distanz Anzeige RYG bar graph + 7 Segment digit LED Display

Lieferzeit: sofort

19 vorrätig


Radar Distanz Anzeige rot/red gelb/yellow grün/green RYG bar graph + 7 Segment digit LED Anzeige Display

Radar distance bar graph + 7 segment digit tri-color LED Module © androegg ®

distance bar graph + 7 segment digit tri-color LED Module © androegg ®

distance bar graph LED Module Dimensions and Pinout © androegg ®

Distanz bar graph LED Anzeige mit

  • Bar Graph LED rot
  • Bar Graph LED gelb
  • Bar Graph LED grün
  • 2 x 7 Segmentanzeige





distance bar graph LED display with

  • bar graph LED red
  • bar graph LED yellow
  • bar graph LED green
  • 2 x 7 segement digit display





distance bar graph LED Module Features:

  1. 3 color bar graph LED
    • red LED
    • yellow LED
    • green LED
  2. 2 7 segment digit display
  3. Dimensions
    • Width 66mm
    • Height 14mm
    • Depth 7.3mm (w/o Pins)


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