Tiny AVR ISP ATtiny44A USB Micro USBTiny Modul Board


Tiny AVR ISP ATtiny44A USB Micro USBTiny Modul Board

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Tiny AVR ISP ATtiny44A USB Micro USBTiny Modul Board ATTINY ATTinyCore 4K Flash 256B RAM Arduino

Atmel ATTINY44A 8-Bit-AVR-Mikrocontroller Module incl. Pinheader © androegg

Atmel ATTINY44A 8-Bit-AVR-Mikrocontroller USB-Micro Module © androegg

Atmel ATTINY44A 8-Bit-AVR-Mikrocontroller Module © androegg


Das Modul basiert auf dem Atmel ATTINY44A 8-Bit-AVR-Mikrocontroller.

Die Lieferung erfolgt inklusive 6-poliger Pinleiste.


Der ATTINY44A ist ein 8-Bit-AVR-Mikrocontroller von Atmel und verfügt über

  • 4KByte systeminterner programmierbarer Programmspeicher Flash
  • 256 Bytes In-System programmierbares EEPROM
  • 256 Bytes interner SRAM



Der ATTINY44A Microcontroller IC unterstützt bis zu

  • 1 x I2C Schnittstelle
  • 1 x SPI Schnittstelle
  • 8 x ADC 10-Bit

Bitte beachten nicht alle I/O’s sind auf die Pinleiste ausgeführt.


The Module is based on Atmel ATTINY44A 8-bit AVR microcontroller.

The ATtiny44A USB-Micro Module comes incl. Pinheader.


The ATTINY44A is an 8-bit AVR microcontroller from Atmel and features:


  • 4KByte of system-internal programmable program memory Flash
  • 256 bytes in-system programmable EEPROM
  • 256 bytes of internal SRAM

The ATTINY44A microcontroller supports up to

  • 1 x I2C interface
  • 1 x SPI interface
  • 8 x ADC 10-bit

Please note that not all I/O’s are installed on the pin strip.

ATTINY44 Microcontroller Feature:

  • High Performance, Low Power AVR® 8-Bit Microcontroller
  • Advanced RISC Architecture
    • 120 Powerful Instructions
    • Fully static operation
    • 32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers
    • Fully Static Operation
  • Non-volatile Program and Data Memories
    • 4K Bytes of In-System Programmable Program Memory Flash, 10,000 Write/Erase Cycles
    • 256 Bytes In-System Programmable EEPROM, 100,000 Write/Erase Cycles
    • 256 Bytes Internal SRAM
    • Programming Lock for Self-Programming Flash Program and EEPROM Data Security
  • Peripheral Features
    • One 8-Bit and One 16-Bit Timer/Counter with Two PWM Channels, Each– 10-bit ADC
    • 8 Single-Ended Channels
    • 2 Differential ADC Channel Pairs with Programmable Gain (1x / 20x)
    • Programmable Watchdog Timer with Separate On-chip Oscillator
    • On-chip Analog Comparator
  • Special Microcontroller Features
    • debugWIRE On-chip Debug System
    • In-System Programmable via SPI Port
    • External and Internal Interrupt Sources
    • Low Power Idle, ADC Noise Reduction, and Power-down Modes
    • Enhanced Power-on Reset Circuit
    • Programmable Brown-out Detection Circuit
    • Internal Calibrated Oscillator
    • On-Chip Temperature Sensor
  • I/O and Packages
    • 12 Programmable I/O Lines
  • Low Power Consumption
    • Active Mode: 1 MHz, 1.8V: 210 µA
    • Power-down Mode: 0.1 µA at 1.8V

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